This key question can be answered with a valuation report by Lavalur. You’ll need one in the event of a sale, financing, donation, division of an estate or divorce. It always encompasses potential uses and depreciation, as well as rental value and profitability in the case of investment properties.
Our certified property appraisers evaluate properties of all kinds in North-western Switzerland and group accommodations and vacation homes throughout Switzerland.
Informed, independent and neutral.
The value of your property is central to many transactions and legal matters. Since high investment amounts are at stake, an informed and legally watertight valuation with prior inspection is indispensable. Viewings are also possible in the evening and at weekends. We fit in with your availability.
Wert | Schätzung | Wertschätzung
Spitzackerstrasse 19
CH-4410 Liestal (Schweiz)
Tel. +41 (0)77 533 04 51